As the noise of Josie’s scream subsided, Kim realised she needed to grip the situation without delay.
‘Okay - Josie. This is a bit awkward. D’you think you could leave me to deal with this and pop home now?’
‘But, but-’ Josie’s eyes were popping. She obviously had plenty to say.
‘I know. I’ll explain later, I promise. But for now, could you just trust me on this? I’ll come over in a bit and tell you what’s going on.’
She turned Josie back down the path making shoo-ing motions with her hands. Josie was reluctant, but moved eventually, craning her head backwards all the while to try and see what was happening.
Once Josie was out of sight, Kim turned back to her own front door.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘You left. I followed.’
‘You took your clothes off.’
“I shed my packaging. It was uncomfortable.’
‘Yes, well… Come back into the house and I’ll find you something else to wear.’
Obediently he followed her inside and she shut the front door firmly.
‘Sit here,’ she pointed to the chair again, ‘and don’t move. I will be back in a moment.’
It was fortunate, she considered, as she hurried upstairs to rummage in her husband’s wardrobe, that this pinnacle of clone development had obedience programmed in as its default behaviour.
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