Je ne comprends pas

Published on 13 March 2024 at 19:35

‘What’s your name?’ she asked. Now that he was dressed and looking rather alarmingly like a younger version of Joe, she was still wondering what on earth to do with him. She expected him to say something like ABCX24 or Model 37 or something, so when he spoke, she was surprised.

‘My name is Xavier Dubois. And what is your name?’

‘My name? Um, I’m Kim. Kim Driver.’

He nodded. ‘May I drink this liquid now?’

‘Yes, I think so. But slowly, in case it’s still a bit hot.’

She watched as he lifted the mug to his mouth and sipped gently. His eyebrows lifted with apparent surprise and he looked at her and then down into the depths of the mug.

‘Do you like it?’

‘I do. There is not much nutrition in it, but I like the flavour.’ He finished the tea and replaced the mug carefully on the table.

‘How did you come by such a delightful name?’ Kim asked.

‘The care assistant for our sector was French. He gave us names he said reminded him of his home. Once he realised we were sentient, he spoke often to us, mostly in his own language.’

‘That must have been a shock. For him, I mean.’ Kim temporarily ignored the surprising news that several of the clones were sentient, she’d get back to that. One thing at a time.

‘Yes, I believe it was. He kept muttering “Je ne comprends pas” and adjusting various of the dials that attached us to the central nodes.

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