‘Here’s the thing. I can’t think of an alternative use for you, for the moment. And I’m going to have to explain you to Joe, my husband. Not to mention my neighbour - the woman you saw earlier. She isn’t likely to forget seeing you just now.’
‘Why do you have to explain me to anyone?’ Xavier appeared confused.
‘Well, in Joe’s case, he lives in this house with me and he’ll spot an extra person as soon as he comes home and want to know where you came from and why you’re here. Did Jean-Claude not mention inter-dependent relationships when he was briefing you?’
‘He wasn’t exactly briefing us, simply talking about general things while he was working with us. I learned more from his mobile phone.’
‘You did what?’ Kim’s eyes widened in shock.
‘His mobile phone. Sometimes he left it on the bench while he was changing tubes or refilling the algae reservoirs. I suspect he didn’t want it to get wet.’
‘Of course not,’ murmured Kim, her thoughts still derailed by Xavier’s revelation.
‘When he was at the other end of the facility, I had time to activate the telefonino and look at things.’
‘Just a minute, you said you couldn’t read.’
‘Correct. But I could watch moving pictures and I think Jean-Claude was very interested in people, especially if they were taking their clothes off. There were lots of pictures about that. That’s how I learned to do it.’
Kim closed her eyes at the thought of what he had been watching. She had to change the subject.
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