At six o’clock, Joe came in from the cold, and Kim heard him kicking his shoes off in the hall as he always did. He padded into the kitchen on stockinged feet, with a rather familiar package in his hand.
‘Hi, love, had a good day? I found this outside on the bin and…’ His voice tailed off as he took in Xavier still sleeping at the kitchen table.
‘Hello, who’s this?’ he said, putting the package on the table and his briefcase on the floor, before shrugging out of his overcoat.
‘Um, it’s a bit of a long story. Could you put that in the utility room?’
Kim followed him into the next room and closed the door softly. ‘You might want to wash your hands now. Thoroughly. After handling that.’ She pointed to the parcel.
‘Okay. You’re being very mysterious.’ Joe smiled and ran some water. He started soaping his hands. ‘Who’s the guy?’
‘It’s hard to know where to begin.’ She passed him a towel. ‘I was only trying to help you with the knee thing. You know, get you another knee support.’
‘Is that what’s in there?’ He used his elbow to point to the packet.
‘No. That’s something quite awful. I think - no, I know, it’s a toxic injection kit. For him.’ She gestured towards the door behind them.
‘What! What are you talking about. You’re not making any sense Kim.’
‘No, sorry, I know. It’s a bit hard to explain.’
Joe finished drying his hands and put an arm around his wife’s shoulder.
‘Just spit it out. Whatever it is, it can’t be that awful.’
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