Staccato rapping on the front door made them both jump.
‘Bit late for a visitor,’ said Joe, rising and moving to the window. He peered out and swore softly under his breath. ‘It’s Josie from across the road. What am I going to tell her?’
‘Do you need help with that question?’
’No, Xavier, it was rhetorical. Stay there, I’ll be back in a minute.’
By the time Joe had got to the front door, Kim had done the same.
She grimaced at him and whispered ‘What are you going to say?’
’No idea.’
Josie rapped on the door again.
’She knows we’re home,’ said Kim, a note of panic in her voice.
‘You go and keep an eye on him,’ Joe jerked his head in the direction of the front room, ‘and I’ll deal with this.’
‘Okay.’ Kim moved swiftly, closing the door softly behind her, just as Joe opened the front door.
‘Oh hi Josie, how’re you?
‘I’m just fine Joe, but I was worried about Kim. Did she tell you we met earlier?’
‘She did mention it, yes.’ Joe stood in the doorway, with a pleasant non-committal sort of smile on his face. If Josie was expecting any help to get into this conversation, she’d have a long wait.
‘Is she okay?’
‘Yes, she’s fine thanks. Lovely evening isn’t it? Don’t let me keep you, if you’re going out for a walk or something.’
‘I just popped over to ask-’
‘-if Kim’s okay. Yes, you said. She’s fine, thank you for asking. She’s fine and I’m fine and we’re in the middle of watching a film, so if you’ll excuse me…’ He shut the door firmly and shot the security bolt inside as loudly as he could. He joined the others in the front room.
‘I think the store of goodwill with that particular neighbour is a mite depleted now. We’ll have to work out a way to get back in her good books.’
‘And quickly. Before she goes spreading what she saw, if she hasn’t already,’ said Kim ruefully.
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