‘I think I got away with it,’ she told Joe. ‘Have you made any progress finding out how we can get hold of Jean-Claude?
‘Not exactly, but Xavier did say something really interesting just now.’
‘Where is he?’ said Kim, glancing around.
‘Don’t worry, he’s in the other room. He wanted to borrow my phone to look up some recipe vids for supper ideas. Anyway, we were talking about wifi and things like that when I was searching for the right pages on the phone and he said that the radio signal round here was much better than he expected.’
‘What on earth did he mean by that?’
‘I don’t know. He kept tapping his ear. And then, when I’d found the pages he wanted, he took the phone and went in there.’ Joe inclined his head to indicate the front room. ‘What did Nosy Josie say?’
‘Don’t call her that, she did get a right eyeful yesterday, you can hardly blame her for being curious.’
‘I suppose so.’
‘I fobbed her off with that thing about him being a visiting intern for your lot and she didn’t ask too many questions. Now she wants to know where I have my nails done. Nightmare. Right - I’m going to talk to Xavier about Jean-Claude,’ said Kim. ‘Hopefully he has a way to get in touch. If not, we’ll have to go through their Customer Service link and see if we can get any more information. You coming?’
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