‘Can you get him back? Jean-Claude? We’d like to talk to him if possible?’
‘He said he was going to contact Emma next, so he will be unavailable for some time. I’ve found some ideas for a meal this evening, would you like to see?’
Xavier passed the phone to Kim and she saw a collage of lasagne, quiches and pies displayed.
‘Um yes, fine, I’ll check which ingredients we have in the fridge later,’ she said. ‘Who’s Emma?’
‘Emma is also a Mark 16. She was delivered to Sevenoaks for a shoulder replacement just before my despatch.’
‘A shoulder replacement? I didn’t know there was such a thing?’
‘Oh yes. Hips, knees, shoulders. Ankles and elbows are in development, but these are not being offered for purchase yet. I think there is an issue about installation. Of course, teeth, ears and skin have always been available-’
‘Please - stop, Xavier.’ Kim shuddered. ’Too much information, so early in the day. Getting back to Emma, is she, um, was she, er-’
‘Affected by the malfunction? Yes.’
The buzz from the doorbell made them all jump.
‘Is that Josie?’
‘No, it’s Bella.’ Joe was peering round the curtain. ‘And she’s brought the kids.’
Kim’s friend Bella, newly separated from husband Sam, often had childcare problems. Kim didn’t mind helping out, (they were lovely children), and so Bella tended to assume she was always welcome at Kimmie’s.
Kim sighed. ‘She sent me a text yesterday and I meant to ring her back. Something about babysitting. You’d best let her in.’ As Joe went to open the door, she spoke to Xavier urgently. ‘Would you please not mention about being a clone? I would like Bella to think you work with Joe, in his office.’
Xavier nodded, just once. Kim hoped he’d understood, but there was no more time to explain as Bella’s little girls rushed into the room to fling themselves at their favourite ‘auntie’.
‘You did say you’d have them today, didn’t you?’ Bella was unloading carrier bags of toys and snacks, ‘only I’m meeting someone in town. I’ll only be a couple of hours. I brought their lunch-‘ She caught sight of Xavier suddenly. ‘Oh hello! Didn’t realise you had company Kim, you should have said. Is it still okay?’
Her friend took in Bella’s smart trousers instead of her usual jogging pants, and her freshly washed hair. She nodded.
‘It’s fine, just dump that stuff in the corner. This is Xavier, he’s interning with Joe. Xavier, this is my friend Bella. And this is Maia, and Poppy, and Clemmie.’ She pointed to each of the girls. Xavier nodded solemnly to the newcomers.
‘I shouldn’t be too long. ‘Bye girls, be good for Kimmie.’
The door closed behind her.
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