Bella returned eventually, looking rather flushed.
‘Good lunch?’ asked Kim, resisting the urge to complain that a couple of hours had in fact been nearly four and a half. Without Xavier, it would have been a very long day.
‘Um, yes, thanks.’ She hugged the girls in turn, listening to their excited babble about an enchanted wardrobe and the onion game. ‘Sounds like you’ve been playing something between the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Worzel Gummidge! Have you all been good for Kimmie?’
‘Actually, Xavier’s been entertaining them. They’ve got on together like a house on fire.’
‘You’ll be wasted working in an office then,’ she said to Xavier. ‘You’ve missed your vocation, you’d be a roaring success at the school holiday camp.’
The over-excited youngsters tugged at his arms to encourage him to make another game for them.
‘Leave the poor chap alone girls, we have to get home and sort things out before bedtime.’
It took quite a while to gather up all their bits and pieces and herd them back into their car. As the last seatbelt was clipped shut, Bella turned to Kim and said, as her friend knew she would, ‘I’ve been invited for another lunch next weekend. Would you mind-’ She arched her eyebrows hopefully.
‘Must be a special friend then. No, don’t tell me, I know how these things are. I’ll check with Joe and see what we’re doing, but I expect it will be fine. ‘Bye for now.’
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