Kim peered out of the window. The rolling thunder and occasional flashes of lightning had not yet brought the rain, but it was only a matter of time before the heavy grey clouds would begin to shed their burden. She went into the hall, heading for the kitchen and passed Joe standing stock-still at the bottom of the stairs, his head tilted as he listened intently to something.
‘What is it? What's the matter?’
‘Can you hear that?’
She stood next to him, listening hard. ‘I can't hear anything.’
‘Wait a minute. There, that crackling noise. Like radio static.’
She tried again. ‘Nope, not getting it.’
‘I think it’s something to do with him.’ He lifted an expressive shoulder. ‘I noticed it several times last night, after he’d gone to bed.’
‘You could always ask him,’ she said reasonably, ‘when you nip up there and see whether he’s up to delivering posh eggs again.’
Joe took the hint and clambered painfully upstairs, his knees complaining on every step. It was a pity Amazon didn’t yet offer hover supports which would make things so much easier, allowing the wearer to put just the right amount of weight to the ground, while giving perfect support and removing the risk of falling. Amazon needed to buck their ideas up and get on to that. Did they have a Suggestion Box area on the site, maybe he could mention it. Or he could even write in. He had a lovely new fountain pen and a bottle of excellent black ink he was dying to use, he didn’t get much of a chance to write things by hand these days. Musing on a world of possibilities, he arrived at the spare bedroom door and stood, listening hard.
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