Nom de plume

Published on 28 April 2024 at 21:06

As Xavier set about preparing the eggs, Joe drew Kim into the living room and whispered ‘Are we taking him with us?’

'I’m not planning on leaving him here alone. Who knows what he might get up to.' Kim whispered back. ‘And what does he mean, he’ll deal with the lamp?’

Joe shrugged. ‘Who knows? He seems very keen to make amends.’

‘We can’t worry about that now. We need a plan for when we get to the house. How about - you keep Xavier in the car and I’ll go and talk to the Lanes. Although goodness knows what I’m going to say.’

‘I’m sure you’ll think of something, you usually do.’ Joe grinned. ‘Remember that famous time you persuaded a roomful of students at Uni that you were a famous author?’

‘That was years and years ago, and I did it for a bet.’ She giggled. ‘It was funny though, wasn’t it, telling them Simone de Beauvoir was my nom de plume?’

‘They were First Years, green as apples.’

‘I wonder if any of them still has the autograph? Anyway, enough of this, let’s eat and then get going. We’re going to need raincoats though, the rain is chucking it down now.’

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