‘Hoy, what are you doing here, this is private property.’
The shout had them turning, guiltily in Joe’s case, as he’d been on the point of going back to the car to look for something to prise open the padlock. A stout man with a florid face came out of his back door and advanced on them.
‘I’ve been watching you, what are you doing, skulking around the garages?’
‘Um, we’re looking for the Lanes. Do you happen to know where they are?’ said Kim.
‘No. And even if I did, why should I tell you?’
Joe suspected this man was spoiling for a fight and backed away, drawing Kim with him. Xavier however, stood his ground until the man was very close.
‘Are you trying to frighten me?’ he said. ‘Because if you are, I must tell you I am a 5th dan black belt and your intimidation will have no effect on me.’
‘Pah, anyone can say that,’ sneered the man and lunged forward to slap at Xavier’s head. The damp ground came up to hit him unexpectedly hard and he lay, flat on his back, wheezing like an asthmatic, while his opponent stood calmly, hands loosely at his sides, watching him. When he saw the man had his breathing back under control, he reached out and hauled him to his feet.
‘As you do not know where the Lanes are, perhaps you could return to your home and leave us to wait for them here,’ he advised. Much to Joe and Kim’s surprise, the man did exactly that and they heard him slam his door and then lock it behind him.
‘That was impressive, young man,’ said Joe admiringly. ‘Took him down a peg or two, that’s for sure.’
‘Just so long as he’s not gone indoors to phone the police and complain about being attacked,’ said Kim.
‘There’s three of us can confirm he threw the first punch - or tried to. Might as well be realistic - either he will or he won’t, not much we can do about it, either way. However, we still need to find Emma. I’m going to get a screwdriver or something to have a go at that padlock. You two stay here.’ Joe strode off towards the car.
‘I thought you said you had learned about dog training, the Roman empire and embroidery from Jean-Claude’s phone. You never mentioned anything about judo.’ Kim tried to make light of it, but she was wondering what else they didn’t know about their guest.
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