Xavier had his hand to his ear again. His grey eyes showed concern. ‘I am not getting a signal. Perhaps she is not here after all.’
‘Only one way to find out,’ said Joe, striding up to the box. ‘Got to get this open.’ He began to tear at the tape but it was stuck firmly. He couldn’t get any kind of a purchase on it.
Kim produced a metal nail file from her bag. ‘Try this.’
She passed it to Joe and watched as he began sawing at the tape.
‘Wait.’ Kim’s voice was an urgent whisper. ‘Someone’s coming.’
Light footsteps approached the garage and a young woman came into view. She was tall and broad shouldered, with open features and a long ponytail that swished around her face as she walked towards them. Kim registered that she was wearing the same coarse calico drapery she had seen on Xavier when he arrived.
‘Emma?’ she said uncertainly.
‘Not Emma,’ said Xavier. ‘This is Delphine.’
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