Wrapped in coarse calico, the body in the box seemed unconscious. They stared with horror at the muddle of limbs, long hair and wrappings squashed at the bottom of the container.
‘Do you think she’s-’
‘I don’t know.’ Kim reached in and touched the topmost part of the body, which happened to be a shoulder. It was warm and very dry to her touch.
‘No, she’s not, she’s just passed out I think. Quick, help me get her out.’
Together they lifted out the limp form, supporting her between them. Xavier raised her chin gently and her eyes fluttered open briefly before her head slumped back on to her chest.
‘Xavier, is this Emma?’ Kim wanted to know.
‘Yes. She needs sustenance now, she has been in transit for too long without nourishment.’
’Should we call Jean-Claude?’
‘Let’s get her away from here first, I’m pretty sure the Lanes or even that delivery chap will have something to say if they catch us with her,’ said Joe.
‘Emma, can you hear me?’ Kim put her arm around the young woman’s waist and pulled her in tight. ‘Can you walk? We’re going to take you somewhere safe.’
With Delphine and Xavier hovering behind, Joe and Kim half lifted, half dragged the semi-conscious Emma to the car. As they put her into the back seat, Joe said urgently ‘Xavier, go back and close the garage door, will you? Might buy us some time when the Lanes get back, if they don’t immediately realise what’s happened. Delphine, you’d better come with us. Hurry up people.’
Xavier set off at a run, returning moments later.
‘I reset the padlock so the garage is secure. Here’s the nail file, I found it on the floor.’ He climbed into the back seat, pushing Emma gently into the middle between himself and Delphine.
With everyone in the car, Kim started the engine and wasted no time accelerating out of the road, turning left and right at random, until she saw a garage ahead.
‘I’ll pull in here and we can get some water and something for her to eat.’
‘Good idea,’ said Joe. ‘What’s best do you think?’
‘See if there’s some yogurt or something, that’ll do for a start. Or banana. Anything soft.’
Joe nodded and as the car pulled up to the side of the shop area, leapt out of it and disappeared inside, returning after a few moments clutching a bottle of water and several packages.
‘How is she?’ he asked, looking over at the three in the back, as he fastened his seat belt again.
‘Not functioning very well,’ said Xavier.
‘Let’s get off this forecourt and I’ll find somewhere quiet where we can give her this stuff. Hopefully that’s all she needs.’
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