Blinking light

Published on 9 May 2024 at 21:06

Joe had so many questions. ‘How did you get this image? How are we seeing this-’

‘When I received Delphine’s signal, I traced her position through a digital surveillance system-’

‘You can do that? When was this? How-’

‘Ssh Joe,’ Kim nudged him. ‘Let him tell us, stop interrupting.’

‘The camera was part of the mortuary CCTV set up and easy enough to access. There was a series of blinking lights emitting pulse tones on a certain wavelength.’ 

Joe’s eyebrows shot up as he processed this information but he managed not to say anything.

‘I retained the picture and followed the pulses to determine location. I used the various cameras on site to work out how Delphine could leave that place. The space seemed to be locked on the outside, but there was a release mechanism on the inside.’

‘Surely they didn’t expect the occupants of that room to ever want to get out?’ said Kim, confused.

‘Why not?’ said Xavier.

‘In the normal course of events, people in there would be dead.’


‘Deconstructed. Permanently,’ said Kim.

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