
Published on 12 May 2024 at 21:06

‘I hope Nosy Josie’s not watching,’ said Joe, as they brought Emma into the house. ‘She’ll have a field day.’ 

Emma was barely conscious. Joe and Xavier had to hold her up while Kim hurried ahead to unlock the door. 

‘Come inside Delphine, quickly.’ Kim beckoned to the girl as she hesitated on the doorstep.

‘This is safe. You can come in,’ Xavier reassured her.

Once inside, Emma was settled on the sofa. They were all damp, but Delphine was soaked to the skin, her calico wrappings sticking to her, making her look like some sort of Greek statue.

‘Joe, can you hang up the raincoats? Xavier, you help Emma and I’ll get some dry things for Delphine. Would you like a shower first?’ she asked the girl.

Delphine looked at Xavier. ‘Shower?’

‘Yes. You stand under warm water in the bathroom and then use soft material to dry yourself. It will make you feel warmer.’

Kim realised this clone knew very little about life outside, briefly wondering at the difference between Xavier’s understanding and Delphine’s. Now was not the time for questions, but she tucked it away to think about another time.


* * *


Half an hour later, Emma seemed to have regained full function and Xavier was helping her eat and drink. Delphine sat quietly watching, dressed in jeans and a jumper which didn’t fit her very well (she was taller than Kim), but at least she was decent. She had become agitated upstairs when the hairdryer was switched on, so Kim had not insisted on using it. Delphine's hair hung in damp ringlets round her shoulders.  She had shaken her head when Kim asked if she wanted to eat something.

‘Right,’ said Joe. ‘What’s the plan?’

The three clones looked at one another.

‘You can stay here for a few days until you feel better, of course.’ Kim smiled at them. ‘But longer term, we need to think how you’ll manage. Xavier’s already shown us how quickly he can pick up new skills - is it the same for you two?’

Emma nodded. ‘We know each of us have had our settings altered. It’s not the same basic level of programming as the main group.’

Xavier nodded. ‘If you can help us absorb information, we will be able to work out how best to transfer into the kind of lives ordinary humans lead.’

‘You think?’ Joe arched an eyebrow.

‘Yes,’ said Xavier firmly. ‘Now that we are together, we will pool our knowledge. It is not necessary for each of us to learn everything individually. For example, Delphine and Emma already have the ability to read.  It is a form of osmosis.’

Joe and Kim exchanged worried glances.  

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