I see a red door

Published on 22 May 2024 at 21:06

‘Every night?’ Emma raised a tear-stained face to the sun’s warmth.

‘Depends where you live on the planet but round here, yes. For example, if you look out of here during the day-’ Kim stood, stepped to the window and pointed ‘- you can see a red door on the house opposite. But later, when the sun goes down, it’ll appear black. It’s funny,’ she said, turning back to Emma. ‘I’ve never really thought about that before. It’s something so normal, you don’t question it. Having you and Xavier and Delphine here makes me look at the world with fresh eyes - it’s been very interesting.’

Kim was pleased to see Emma smile a little at her words.

‘Anyway, why don’t you change into these things and then we can go down for something to eat. It’s only pasta but there’s plenty of it, and I’ve made a salad.’

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