‘Look, it’s getting late. How about we sort out some sleeping arrangements for tonight and then decide what to do in the morning?’ said Kim.
‘I need something to eat first, lunch seems ages ago.’ said Joe. ‘Anyone else?’
‘There’s pasta in the fridge-’ began Kim.
Delphine shook her head. ‘There isn’t. We ate it. And some bread.’
‘Not to worry, we have eggs and other stuff - how about omelettes or something?’
‘May I help with that?’ Xavier went into the kitchen and they could hear him opening drawers and clattering pans.
‘I’ll sort out some bedding for our visitors then,’ Kim bustled upstairs. ‘Joe, come and help me.’
* * *
Upstairs, pulling out pillows and blankets from the cupboards, Kim said ‘I’m getting a weird feeling about this.’
‘Me too. First Xavier getting ill and then Jean-Claude collapsing like that.’
‘He seems a little better now we’re away from that windmill place, doesn’t he? I wonder why he didn’t want to go to hospital?’
Joe shrugged. ‘The whole thing is just odd. I’m going to ring work in the morning and say I’m not going in. We need a proper plan and hopefully having J-C here will make it easier to decide what to do.’
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