‘I just need a couple of days, that’s all,’ said Joe to his boss on the phone. He found it difficult to negotiate time away from work without explaining why he needed it, but he managed it eventually. Over coffee and toast he assessed the situation with Kim.
‘Jean-Claude seems really worried this Ogee couple will track down the clones and repossess them, presumably to decommission them or something,’ said Joe.
‘The other thing I can’t work out is why Xavier hasn’t told Jean-Claude that three other clones have survived?’
‘Be a bit awkward to ask him right now, with Jean-Claude here.’
Kim grimaced. ‘The whole thing’s awkward.’
Joe chewed stolidly through his toast, thinking. Finally, he made a decision.
‘Council of war time. Are the ladies up yet?’
‘I think I heard them in the bathroom earlier. If you go and see how Jean-Claude is doing, I’ll speak to him,’ she nodded in the direction of the utility room. She was thinking Xavier had had the worst deal in terms of sleeping arrangements - the folding camp bed was elderly and hardly luxurious. However, when she tapped on the door, it was immediately opened by Xavier, looking fresh as a daisy.
‘How are you feeling now?’
‘I’m fine, thank you. I have packed up the bed, shall I leave it in there?’
‘Good idea. Listen, Xavier, we need to talk about what happens next.’
‘Agreed. I have determined that Jean-Claude has not been followed here so it will be safe to tell him about the other three. Then we can plan how to join them.’
‘I’m sure he will be delighted to know that, he seems a very caring sort of person,’ said Kim, heading back to the kitchen. She pulled out a chair for Xavier and bustled about, finding cutlery and plates in case toast should be required by their guests.
When Joe came back without Jean-Claude, she frowned.
‘He’s okay, he just wanted a moment or two in the bathroom, he won’t be long. Delphine and Emma will be down in a minute, they said.’
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