
Published on 19 June 2024 at 09:17

‘All done. Everything is in order.’ Jean-Claude took his place at the table and looked at the group expectantly.

‘Okay everyone. Xavier, do you want to start?’ said Joe, suspecting the fireworks were about to begin. Their lives were assuming the qualities of a surreal roller-coaster. One minute ordinary as anything, and the next- his train of thought was derailed by Xavier’s blunt revelation.

‘There are three other sentients alive and well. They-’

Jean-Claude emitted a little gasp and his eyes grew round.

‘Which ones? ‘Ow do you know? My communications, zay have all petered out.’

‘They are hiding but I think they are safe for now. We need to get to them, but as you know, we are vulnerable out in the world and it will take time for us-’ he pointed to himself, Delphine and Emma in turn, ‘-to develop a protective carapace for survival. So we need your help.’ Xavier fell silent and waited, resisting Jean-Claude’s clamorous questions.

Ever practical, Kim asked what sort of help would be most useful.

‘Assuming they are where I last located them, we need transport to get there and-’

He stopped short, listening.

‘What’s the matter?’ asked Joe.

And then they all heard it. The low thrumming of a helicopter hovering somewhere close. Kim moved to the window and peered out.

‘It’s a couple of streets away I think. Seems to be circling. Wonder what they’re looking for? It’s not the normal police ‘copter, it’s much smaller. Oh no-’ She turned to Jean-Claude. ‘Could it be…?’

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