Leopard print

Published on 24 June 2024 at 11:28

Ten minutes later Xavier broke the silence. ‘We are getting close. They are somewhere in there.’

They saw, ahead, at a distance down the hill before them, a huge expanse of blocky buildings set close together in a giant rectangle. From the windows at the corners it appeared each had four storeys above the rows of loading bays. A wide road like a moat went all the way round, set on both sides with shipping containers. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them, lined up like a double fringe of monumental proportions. Most of them were badged with the familiar blue and white lettered logo of the company. Some carried foreign trademarks or were painted in garish stripes and one, incongruously, was covered with a leopard print. Beyond the buildings, the lazy grey Thames curved away in both directions.

‘Is this where you came from?’ Kim asked Xavier.

It was Jean-Claude who replied. 

‘Xavier would not be able to tell you - he left the building in a box.’ He smiled. ‘In fact, the clone generation hub is in another complex, some distance away, west of here. It has a small warehousing facility specifically to expedite replacement parts, and the R&D unit.’

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