Rough cut

Published on 26 June 2024 at 09:47

Delphine let out a little shriek, and clutched at Emma. They turned their faces to Jean-Claude in mute appeal.

‘Now what do we do?’ Kim’s heart was going like a triphammer. 

Joe was badly rattled, colour first fading and then flushing back into his face like badly applied blusher.

Xavier took control of the situation.

‘We need to make a plan. A kind of rough cut, if you will. If they didn’t see the car, you should be safe enough. Stay here and I will go to try and find the others.’

‘But what if they come back? What then?’

‘As soon as I’ve gone, stay out of sight. Be ready to drive away if you have to.’

Kim wondered “to where and from whom?” but it didn’t feel like the right time to voice her concerns.

‘What are you going to do?’

‘I have to warn the others.’

‘Can’t you do that with your communication system - the APRS thingy?’ said Joe.

‘Too risky. I do not know whether they have found that.’ He opened the car door and stepped out.

‘I still think at least one of us should go with you,’ said Joe.

‘I’ll come,’ said Jean-Claude, following Xavier out. 

The two men started off down the road and were swiftly out of sight.

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