Every day

Published on 29 June 2024 at 09:24

Xavier had set a punishing pace towards the warehouse complex. Jean-Claude had to keep doing little running steps to keep up. He was glad when his companion suddenly halted, scanning the perimeter walls fifty yards ahead.

‘Why ‘ave we stopped?’

‘I’m trying to decide how best to get in. We need a van or a truck, something that looks like we are delivering or collecting.’

’Zere are hundreds of them coming and going ev’ry day. But zey won’t pick up passengers, I think. And each of ze vehicles is being stopped at that gate.’

He pointed to a string of container lorries and huge vans, waiting in line to be checked by a duo of black clad officials with clipboards and tablets.

Xavier suppressed his impatience: wondering for the hundredth time why humans tended to state the obvious, as though he hadn’t seen it. 

‘I will try the comms,’ he said finally. ‘There is no other way to locate the three inside the complex. It’s a risk, but I will break the link immediately if there is a problem. Once I am sure of their location I shall go in.’

Holding his hand to the side of his head, he took a few steps away from Jean-Claude and sent a locator beam on the clone network.

‘I have it,’ he called back. ‘They are close. In that small grey block to the side. Do you see it?’

Jean-Claude nodded.





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