
Published on 2 July 2024 at 09:17

‘Now what do we do?’ said Joe, looking around the small room. It appeared to be an office, housing a couple of utilitarian desks. Each workstation had a computer terminal on it, multiple lines of green characters scrolling busily across the screens.

‘We wait.’

‘What if they find us?’

‘They won’t.’ 

Joe was bemused by how the clone had taken control of the situation and he, Joe, was asking him for reassurance. He was surprised by Jean-Claude’s quiet question.

‘How are you masking our presence?’

‘I am using a GPS disrupter to the comms channel. It’s corrupting sufficient data to make us invisible for now. It will not hold for long, but we only need a little time.' 

It was an experimental feature. Xavier had only had the previous night to cobble it together and had not made much progress in developing the protective survival carapace he had mentioned so casually to Joe and Kim. He needed to put much more work into it, to temper its flexibility, but needed time and privacy to bring it to fruition.

‘And zen?’

‘Then we need to find the others and decide what to do next.’

‘Ze others?’

‘Brontë, Hugo and Alain are here somewhere.’


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