
Published on 9 July 2024 at 06:37

‘Jean-Claude seemed pretty sure,’ said Kim. 

Silence fell in the car.

‘There must be something we can do,’ said Kim. ’The only thing I can think of it is to try to distract them away from Xavier and the others. That would buy them some time, wouldn’t it?’

‘But how could we do that?’ said Delphine doubtfully.

‘How do you two tap into this link?’ asked Kim. ‘Is it something I could do? Maybe I could draw them away…’

Delphine and Emma looked at each other. Kim was pretty sure they were communicating but she had no idea how, or what they were discussing. Finally Delphine shook her head. 

‘There is no way that a human could use this technology without the implanted circuitry that we clones share. That was added back at the incubation unit, in the comms studio. I’m not even sure it would work if it was put into a human, even if we knew how to do it.’

‘Well, what else can we do?’ said Kim.

‘It has to be us,’ said Emma. ‘We could send some signalling that could draw them to us.’

‘But-’ Kim was about to point out the obvious flaw in this argument but Emma interrupted her.

‘We are two. They are four, together with Joe and Jean-Claude.’ She took Delphine’s hand and gripped it tightly. ‘We can do this.’

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