Pink hair

Published on 13 July 2024 at 09:25

There was just enough room at this level to move, slightly bent over, their heads brushing the trunking and cable bundles attached to the ceiling.

‘Can you see them?’ whispered Joe. He realised he had left his stick behind but now was not the moment to mention it.

Xavier moved cautiously to the other side of the block and peered over.

‘No, just the robots. We can travel along the top, to the other end, if we are careful.’

They began to move cautiously, grasping whatever they could to help them keep their footing. Brick dust dislodged from the air conditioning coils fell copiously onto their heads, dusting their hair a coral pink as they moved from section to section. Several times Joe nearly fell, to be saved by Xavier’s strong arms. 

‘I see zem,’ hissed Jean-Claude. ‘Juste là, at ze other end, next to those stairs.’ He pointed.

‘What are they doing?’ Joe was too busy trying to balance on unreliable knees, to look for himself.

‘I’m not sure. Zey seem to be dragging huge chenilles along the corridor.’


‘I zink you call them caterpillars?’

‘What - oh, yes, you’re right.’

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