‘Before we head off into another confrontation, we should check on the people we have already met. We will be quick,’ Alain said to Xavier. ‘If you follow us down and then go to the other end of the warehouse floor, we’ll meet you there and start fishing again.’
He and Hugo moved quickly and silently back down the stairs and turned left into the row of lockers where they had left their bound captives. They were still there, but had rolled themselves closer together, presumably with the intention of helping each other to get untied.
‘Good idea,’ said Hugo, ‘but no.’
He and Alain dragged them wider apart and used the ends of the rope to fix each of the detainees to a separate handle.
‘Have we left enough room for the robots to get through?’ Alain stepped back to survey their handiwork. ‘I think so, just about. Okay, let’s go and find some more.’
They ran to the opposite corner of the warehouse floor and took up positions with their backs to the wall. They couldn’t see or feel the other two but knew they were there somewhere.
‘Ready?’ Hugo nodded his acknowledgement and felt the subtle buzz as Alain activated the comms channel.
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