I don't think so

Published on 27 July 2024 at 12:02

Alain and Hugo headed for the stairs, supporting the semi-conscious Jean-Claude between them

‘Why did they put him in there?’ said Hugo, breathing heavily.

‘No idea. Maybe they thought to shorten the odds. Even so, they must have thought thirteen against six would make their task easy.’ Alain looked over his shoulder. ‘Xavier, are you still masking us? There are two more outside, don’t forget.’ 

‘I am, we’re quite safe, for now.’

‘I don’t think so - look.’

Two wavering lights at the other end of the warehouse were moving slowly t0wards them, sweeping from side to side.

‘Torches,’ whispered Alain. ‘Let’s hope the masking holds. Quick - up these stairs, quietly as you can.’

Grateful for the cover of darkness, they bundled Jean-Claude up the stairs and headed for the huge entrance doors. Xavier heaved them open. Joe flinched, expecting the alarms to go off again, but there was silence as they emerged into the daylight.

‘Which way?’ Brontë was scouting for anything unusual, but the place seemed curiously deserted. 

‘I suspect there’s only one way in and out - through Security,’ said Xavier, pointing.

‘No, we came in through a weak point in the mesh fencing - behind those buildings over there. Come on.’ 

Hugo and Alain ran, with Jean-Claude, along the front of the warehouse and to one side, behind a row of shipping containers. Joe tried to keep up, but it was hopeless. By the time he had limped to the corner, the others had disappeared.

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