
Published on 30 July 2024 at 09:03

With the entrance to the complex a few hundred yards ahead, Xavier pointed to a turning, half obscured by overhanging bushes.

‘That’s where we came out, there’s a gap in the fence a little way along there.’

‘Will the car fit?’ said Kim doubtfully.

‘Yes. At least you can get some way along, if not right up to the place.’

Kim swung the car in cautiously. The lane was very narrow, and running with water now, as the downpour sluiced through the overhanging branches to filled the ruts in the road.

‘I don’t think we can go any farther,’ she said, as hedges pushed in at both sides of the car.

‘You stay here and I’ll go and see if I can find him,’ said Xavier. He opened the car door gingerly and wriggled out, getting soaked immediately. Kim watched him stride down the lane until he was lost to view, and then turned in her seat to look all around the car. No sign of Joe, or anyone else for that matter. She glanced at her watch - it was coming up to three o’clock. Where was he?


* * *


Joe didn’t know where he was, either. Two burly characters had jumped him as he rounded the last corner of the building and he had been bundled into the back of one of the black vans, losing his stick in the process. A blanket had been thrown over his head and an unfriendly voice had demanded he stay low and keep his mouth shut. Joe obeyed, wondering whether he would live to see Tuesday at this rate.

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