‘He must still be inside. This road is the only way in and out and we haven’t seen any traffic leave here. But I’ll go and check with the security team.’ Xavier reached for his seat belt and buckled up. ‘Can you reverse out of here or do you want me to direct you?’
‘You’re wet enough as it is,’ said Kim. ‘I’ll manage.’ The effort of extricating the car occupied her for a few minutes and then, when they were back on the main road, she pulled to one side and turned off the engine.
‘How can you check with the security people? Isn’t that dangerous?’
Xavier briefly explained his actions earlier, when he’d used a form of hypnosis with the guards.
‘I’m assuming that all such similar employees will, by association, respond in the same way. And I don’t think the staff here are the ones who tried to catch the others. I’m sure it’s people from Osborne and Griffiths.
‘I hope you’re right,’ said Kim. ‘I don’t pretend to understand any of that hypnosis stuff, but I suppose if you’ve done it once, it may work again. What happens if it doesn’t?’
‘Then I run,’ said Xavier. ‘Will you turn the car around while I go and try, then if we need to leave in a hurry, you’ll be ready.’
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