‘What happened back there?’
‘Just as I reached the security barrier, one of those black vans pulled up on the other side. The driver got out and went into the kiosk place with the guard. I do not think he saw me. He left his door open so I crept up and peered in. There was someone in the back, covered with a blanket.’
Kim’s hands flew to her mouth. ‘Was it Joe?’
Xavier nodded. ‘I believe so, but before I could do anything, the men came out again. I ran.’
‘If they have Joe, we have to follow them-’ Kim started the engine and the car lurched forward and stalled. She tried again. Xavier reached out a hand to hold the wheel.
‘What about the others?’
‘The others?’
‘Jean-Claude, Alain - those others.’
‘They’ll be all right won’t they? Can’t you message them? I have to find Joe.’ Kim’s hands were shaking and her heart was hammering fit to burst. Xavier’s calm reasonable tone, meant to reassure her, was having the reverse effect. She felt harried and panicky at his lack of understanding. She was having trouble catching her breath.
‘Kim - think about this. What would you do if you caught them up?’
‘I don’t know. Something. Anything. This whole situation is out of control. We have to find Joe-’
‘And we will. I think they will be taking him back to their base at the incubation facility.’
Kim turned her white face to him. ‘Why?’
‘Why would they take him there or why do I think that?’
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