Family Ties

Published on 15 August 2024 at 17:17

‘So - where do we go?’ said Hugo.

The knock at the door made them all jump.

‘Should we answer that?’ Brontë shifted nervously on her chair.

Alain moved to the window and peered out without disturbing the curtain.

‘It’s a woman - about Kim’s age I should think, with some children.’

‘Probably best not to open the door,’ said Hugo.

‘Upstairs,’ said Emma to Delphine. ‘Let’s get out of the way.’

The three others sat stone still and silent. The knocking came again, more insistently. Brontë half rose but Hugo gestured for her to keep still.

The door from the hall swung open making them all jump. A small face peered round it.

‘It’s alright Mummy, they’re in here,’ the child sang out. ‘I came round the back,’ she confided to her astounded audience. ‘The door was open. My name’s Clemmie - who are you?’

Before they could answer, Bella, Kim’s friend came in, bringing two other little girls.

‘Oh hullo. Sorry to barge in like this, but it’s a bit of an emergency. Is Kim about?’

Alain stood to face the woman.

‘I’m sorry, no. She’s gone out for the evening.’

‘Oh no. Now I’m really stuck. I was hoping she could babysit these three for a bit.’ She paused and took a proper look at the young people. ‘Gosh you all look a bit like Xavier, who was here the last time i came - are you related?’

‘Not exactly,’ said Alain. ‘It’s complicated…’ He let his voice trail off.

‘Perhaps we could help,’ began Brontë. ‘Look after the children, I mean. But not here, I don’t think we could keep them here, not without asking Kim and Joe.’

‘I’m sure Kim wouldn’t mind,’ said Bella.

‘Even so, I don’t think it would be right to assume, without asking. We’re staying here for a few days, and that is enough of an imposition, don’t you think? Do you live nearby? Perhaps we could mind them in your house while you go and do whatever it is you need to accomplish?’

Bella’s face brightened. ‘That’s a great idea, we don’t live far away. The girls had such a terrific time with your, your - friend - Xavier the last time they were here.’ She glanced at her wrist. ‘Well, if you’re sure, we could probably all squeeze into my car and I could show you where things are. I’m only going to be a couple of hours, well, maybe three at the most,’ she said, herding the girls towards the door. ‘This is so kind…’


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