
Published on 17 August 2024 at 18:33

While the clones were changing their location, Joe had arrived at the main facility and been ushered inside by his escorts. They weren’t rough in their handling of him, but there was no doubt about who was in charge of whom. He was led, limping, down a short corridor. Billy opened the door into an office. No windows, Joe noted.

‘Can I get you anything? Cup of tea?’ said Billy, pulling out a chair for him to sit on.

‘No thanks.’ Joe wasn’t at all sure what was going on here and didn’t want to risk being drugged. Or worse.

 ‘Okay then, shouldn’t be long, make yourself comfortable.’ He gestured at an internal door. ‘There’s a bathroom through there, if you need it.’  

The outer door closed quietly behind them and Joe heard the lock snick shut. He glanced at his watch. Almost five o’clock. He hoped Xavier and the others had worked out what had happened and had some ideas for finding him. He checked out the tiny bathroom and saw it contained the basics. Nothing useful as a weapon, but he was grateful for the facilities and made good use of them, finishing by splashing his face with cool water. He was tired, and hungry, and decidedly worried. So far he had been treated well, but he was definitely a prisoner. What was about to happen?

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