
Published on 19 August 2024 at 08:02

When they reached the main facility, an anonymous building on yet another industrial estate, Kim parked the car and turned to Xavier. 

‘What now? Am I to be left chewing my fingernails while you disappear doing who knows what again?’ Her words came out more aggressively than was polite, but she was tired and fraught after the day’s events.

‘I understand your frustration Kim,’ said Xavier calmly. ‘I’m afraid there is no alternative. Euron will meet me inside and I need you to be ready to drive us away when we find Joe.’

‘You’re sure you will find him then?’ Her mood softened at the thought.

‘Yes. Euron was very clear on that point. He will handle the negotiations himself, he said.’

’Negotiations?’ Jean-Claude furrowed his brow. ‘What will ’e be negotiating with?’

Xavier reminded himself that Jean-Claude could not know what was really going on, he was just trying to get to grips with the situation.

‘He has certain information that Osborne and Griffiths want. When they have it, they will not need to keep Joe any longer.’

‘What is it? And why would he do that?’ Kim wanted to know. 

‘Please trust me Kim, this will all work out. Euron has his reasons, but I cannot share them with you at this point. I need to get inside, please wait here.’

‘I’m coming with you.’ Jean-Claude got out of the car at the same time as Xavier.

‘There is no need-’

‘I’m coming.’

Seeing the determination on the Frenchman’s face, Xavier shrugged and set off for the main entrance, Jean-Claude half walking, half running to keep up with him. They were still arguing as they went.

Kim sat back in the car, and rubbed her temples. A fierce headache was brewing behind her eyes and her sense of helplessness was overwhelming her. This business of Euron and the negotiation sounded like some sort of ghastly courthouse plea-bargaining setup and she had a bad feeling about the whole thing.


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