Xavier watched as the silent attack took effect.
Jean-Claude fell to his knees, clutching his chest. This felt like last time, at the old windmill, his heart gripped in a vice. The pressure on his lungs made breathing difficult. His brow became clammy and he felt weak and very wobbly. He shut his eyes, trying not to panic. He told himself he had survived that time and surely he would be victorious this time, if he only fought the sensations threatening to overwhelm him.
Xavier noted his pallor. He concentrated hard, shifting the level steadily up from 100 dB and watching the effect of the vibrations.
‘Aide-moi,’ murmured Jean-Claude as he slumped to the floor. He could feel himself slipping, slipping - he was going to faint. His head ached fit to burst. He opened his eyes with an effort, his gaze locking onto Xavier’s, with a mute appeal for help. Everything went black as he passed out.
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