How long had he been here? It felt like hours but when Joe checked his watch it had only been twenty minutes. The adrenaline coursing round his body was making him tense and lightheaded. If someone was trying to wind him up, it was working. He stood up and stretched, rotating his shoulders and then shaking his hands as if flicking off water. It didn’t help. He sat down again, shoulders slumped and his eyes now too heavy to stay open.
When the door opened without warning, it caught him by surprise.
‘Would you come this way please?’ said Billy, holding the door open.
‘Where are we going?’
‘You’re going home.’
‘Just like that?’
‘Just like that. Thanks to your presence here, Mr Osborne has resolved a little local difficulty. He apologises for inconveniencing you and trusts there will be no hard feelings.’
Joe found himself spluttering. Not often lost for words, he was having trouble lining up sufficient vowels and consonants to make his feelings plain.
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