
Published on 29 August 2024 at 21:42

The man paused to pick an invisible hair from his lapel.

‘Thirdly, you were specifically asked to use your persuasive powers to manipulate Emma and Delphine’s motivation, such that they would obey any commands from you, without question. You have failed in this. I have detected examples of questioning and rebellion in them. Can you give an explanation for any of this?’

Xavier knew better than to argue or try to justify his actions. He kept silent.

‘I thought not. So in essence, everything is not on track. This is a tightly planned operation Xavier, not a drill. Everything must be done according to the plan. Do you understand?’

Xavier inclined his head very slightly. He waited with some trepidation for what was to come.

‘The next step will be to locate the other sentients. Can you do that?’

Xavier risked a slightly more enthusiastic nod.

‘Good. You are to rejoin Mr and Mrs Driver.They will want to know where Jean-Claude is and you can explain he has returned to his work. Ensure they do not communicate anything untoward to the rest of the world. Locate Alain, Hugo and Brontë and share their position with me, I will deal with them. Engage with Emma and Delphine in the correct manner, ready for the next stage. Is that clear?’

‘Yes.’ Xavier’s acquiescence escaped on a sigh.

‘Very well, we will speak again tomorrow.’

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