Xavier was making slower progress than he would have liked. He was almost sure the others would be heading back to the main complex, probably on foot and they had a head start on him. He was not altogether sure where Bella’s house was, but it seemed it was a car journey apart from the Driver’s home. His intention was to intercept them before they arrived. Quite how he could corral them until Euron arrived to deal with them he wasn’t sure but hoped an opportunity would present itself. His final problem was how to ensure Emma and Delphine’s obedience. If all else failed, he planned to force their compliance with the threat of Solution A. Not ideal, not subtle, but he was sure it would be as effective as holding a pistol to their heads.
He had found the package containing the syringe without too much trouble - he’d seen it in the cool box the day before. Really, these humans were very casual about storing hazardous material, but in this case, it was to his advantage. He had taken particular care not to touch the thing itself, but had tipped it into a plastic carrier bag he’d also found in the shelving and wrapped it up tightly. Now it was stuffed into the top of his borrowed check shirt and he held his arm across it protectively, to keep it in place as he strode through the grey silent streets.
Fortunately his internal sense of direction was still functioning and with the moon behind him he could be more or less sure he was headed in the right direction.
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