Flicking through Amazon, she was looking for a particular kind of knee support, more substantial than the sort she usually ordered for Joe.
Nothing came up and she sighed, frustrated. Maybe she was using the wrong search term, computers were so literal. She tried again. ‘Knees’ she typed in and then added ‘New’ and then ‘Firm’ and then ‘Large’. That should do it. She hit Enter and was astonished at the result. Real knees, lots of them, all shapes and sizes, colours and conditions. There were two there that looked just as Joe’s had been, thirty years before, attached to a pair of well-muscled thighs and calves, lightly tanned and gleaming with supple health. She ordered two, of course. And hit ‘Buy Now’.
Did she want next day delivery? Silly question, of course she did! The price was a bit steep, but what could you expect? Next day delivery for a pair of new knees was worth investing in for her Joe, who was suffering with aching joints and painful patellas.
It was only after confirming her credit card for payment, that it occurred to her to wonder about the origin of these knees. If they weren’t British, she knew Joe wouldn’t bother with them, he was particular about things like that.
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