
Published on 3 March 2024 at 19:22

A box arrived the next day. It was huge and really heavy. For a moment, as she dragged it into the kitchen, she couldn’t think what could be inside. And then she remembered. Joe’s new knees. She had a moment’s uncertainty. Should she leave them for him to unwrap and watch his pleasure as he realised what she had spent next month’s housekeeping on? Or should she check now, to be sure they had sent the right things?

The administrator in her won out and she reached for the paperknife to saw through the tape that wound round and round the box. The sender hadn’t make it easy to release the contents and Kim was in quite a lather by the time she’d got through to the base layer of the parcel. She was so hot, she had to shed her cardigan and then go to find a large glass of iced water, to regain her equilibrium.

Suitably cooled, she opened the flaps and peered inside. Freaky. 

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