‘Seems to me he could turn his hand to almost anything,’ said Kim, climbing into bed next to Joe. ‘We just need to find something that will generate an income for him and he should be fine.’
‘You think we should let him stay then?’ Joe reached for his laptop and opened it, flicking through to a search page.
‘I feel sort of responsible. If we’re not going to return him, we need to help him, don’t we?’ When Joe didn’t reply, she nudged him. ‘Don’t we?’
‘He’s pretty talented, I wonder what would suit him best, maybe… Joe! Are you listening?’
Joe wasn’t. He’d been trying to look up employment conditions for workers. He scanned the information at speed.
‘We could be in trouble here Kim. Listen to this. “Modern slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.” We could get 18 years in prison for this.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, that’s not what we’re planning to do.’
‘Isn’t it? We’re trying to find some work he can do, but we can’t register him anywhere official, because he has no status. No ID, no history, no family. Nothing except a delivery note.’
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