
Published on 1 April 2024 at 20:33

‘What other options do we have? If we send him back’-

‘We’ve already said we wouldn’t do that,’ interrupted Kim.

‘I know, I know.’ Joe was irritated. ‘I’m just thinking through the options. Okay, so that’s not one of them. We could take him to the police, explain what’s happened and let them sort it out.’

‘I suspect that would be the same as returning him ourselves. What with the delivery note and everything, they would simply send him back, wouldn’t they? Like Lost Property?’

‘Hmm. You’re probably right.’ He sighed. ‘I can’t really think of anything else. It’s beginning to look as though we’ll have to keep him hidden here until we figure out what to do.’

‘I suppose it’s just possible he has some ideas about it himself? This Jean-Claude seems to have prepared him a bit for life beyond the production line.’

‘Oh yes, the mysterious invisible Jean-Claude. I wonder whether we could get in touch with him?’ said Joe. ‘We’ll think about it tomorrow. For now, I’m shattered. Let’s get some sleep.’ 

He settled down and turned off the light. Kim lay in the darkness, worrying.

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