Leather binder

Published on 8 April 2024 at 20:33

Joe hoped Xavier couldn’t sense his alarm. He already knew how quickly the clone absorbed new information from the smartphone. Yesterday they had controlled, more or less, what he had seen, but if Xavier obtained a phone independently, they had no way of knowing what he would do next. They had to speak to Jean-Claude without delay.

‘Okay, send that signal,’ said Joe and reached for the leather binder where Kim kept the instructions and guarantees for their various appliances. There, right in front, was the manual for the Mark 16 Replacement Hip and Knee module (Solution A enclosed.) He leafed through quickly and found the instructions for the built-in receiver/transmitter, together with the General Directions for Deconstruction. Using the syringe provided, introduce solution A into the torso and fully depress the plunger until all the formulation has been transferred. After about five minutes, the product will relax into immobility. He closed the booklet quickly without reading any more and breathed deeply, trying to calm his pounding heart. This was what had so upset Kim yesterday, he realised. There was no way they could ‘deconstruct’ this person, clone or no clone. There had to be another way.

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