‘Oof,’ said Kim, pushing back her chair after her third helping. ‘At this rate, I’m going to have to go on a diet. The food you make is simply delicious Xavier. Do you mind, doing the cooking for us?’
‘Why would I mind?’
‘Perhaps I should rephrase that. Do you enjoy preparing and eating food, like the eggs and the lasagne you have made?’
Xavier nodded. ‘You purchased me to fulfil a purpose in this house.’ He looked her squarely in the eye. ‘I understand you do not wish to deconstruct me to fulfil that original function, so in return, I want to be useful to you. Making food for you serves several purposes: I learn something new, you derive pleasure from the food and in participating, I am nourished too. I would like to continue to do this.’
‘Marvellous,’ said Joe. ‘Now if only we could get you to clear up and load the dishwasher it would be a perfect world.’
‘Joe!’ Kim was clearly shocked. ‘That’s taking advantage.’
‘I do not think Joe is taking advantage.’ Xavier rose from his chair and began stacking plates and bowls. ‘I am happy to do this. You have given me a place to stay and food to eat and I am doing something to save you work. This is called bartering, is it not?’
‘How do you know about bartering Xavier? I don’t believe that was included in the recipe videos or the travel book was it?’
‘It was in the comprehension test in lesson 137 of the reading scheme, Kim.’ He closed his eyes and recited. ‘Bartering is an ancient system which relies on the exchange of goods or services between two parties without the use of currency, the value of a product or service being determined by the parties concerned.’ Opening his eyes, he continued. ‘Joe mentioned loading the dishwasher and clearing the kitchen - please show me how to do this. Following that, I think it would be useful if I learned how to count and measure things next. Unless there is something more useful to cover in my development at this point?’
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