His mind was looping around the fact of the garage door remaining locked, and he couldn’t untangle that. What had happened to Emma? Had she been kidnapped by aliens and spirited away in a spaceship? Accidentally collected by the dustmen? Had Osborne and Griffiths used this gang to break in and abscond with her? It always came back to the locked room conundrum. However the clone had got out of the garage, a key must have been involved. Dare he try to communicate with her again or might that imperil her, if she had somehow escaped by herself? Why hadn’t Xavier been in touch? His thoughts bumbled around like a bee trapped in a jam jar.
‘…and another thing, what about our refund?’ George’s voice finally cut through his thoughts.
‘You’ll have to take it up with Accounts,’ said Jean-Claude. ‘I can’t help you. Sorry.’
He hung up.
Finally he did the only thing he could think of. He dialled the Driver’s number, hoping they still had Xavier with them.
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