Terracotta tile

Published on 4 June 2024 at 08:28

'That’s not good. Under normal conditions a clone’s temperature should operate at a steady 36.5. Is he in a very warm place?’

‘No, he’s just-’

Kim warned him with a shake of her head, mouthing ‘Don’t tell him where.’

‘-just, just somewhere normal. Not extra hot.’

‘It sounds as though he needs an adjustment. I’ll have to see him.’

‘I’m not sure he’ll be very keen-’

Jean-Claude interrupted him. ‘He doesn’t have a choice. He needs help - and soon. Can you put him somewhere cool for now, bring his temperature down? Please hurry. Call me back on this number.’

Seriously alarmed, Joe went in search of Xavier and found him sitting halfway up the stairs, clutching his head.

‘Come on, old chap, come with me.’

He helped him downstairs and into the utility room, the coldest part of the house. Xavier lay full length on the cool terracotta tiles while Kim sponged his forehead with water.

‘Jean-Claude said we should call him back, when we had found you somewhere cool. He said you need help.’

Hearing this, Xavier seemed agitated. He tried to get up.

‘He mustn’t come here. It’s not safe for Emma and Delphine if he knows they’re here.’

Kim patted his hand. ‘We understand. But you need some attention - he wants to help you.’

‘But not here.’ Xavier fell back, apparently exhausted. 

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