
Published on 5 June 2024 at 07:20

Joe raced back into the kitchen and grabbed a local map from the whiteboard, knocking several other notes off in his haste. Unfolding it, he scanned it quickly.

‘I thought so - there -’

He took it back to where Kim was still soothing Xavier. 

‘We could get Jean-Claude to meet us here,’ he stabbed at the map. ‘D’you remember, we were going to go with the Ramblers to explore that area last week, but we ran out of time?’ He showed Xavier. ‘There’s a disused windmill at the end of Love Lane, with no other houses for miles around. We could take you there. What do you think?’

‘I feel a little better, my body has cooled down somewhat,’ said Xavier. ‘I think it’s not so urgent we have to meet him tonight.’

‘I don’t think we should take any risks…’ said Kim.

Joe couldn’t think why Xavier wanted to put off meeting the man as soon as possible, so he went on. ‘Well I have to go to work in the morning, so if Jean-Claude can come now, it would be easier. I’ll call him back, see what he says.’ 

Xavier smiled to himself. His temperature rise had been useful. The timescale was a little shorter than expected, but not a disaster. He could cope.

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