
Published on 6 June 2024 at 09:00

By the time Joe called back with directions, Jean-Claude had gathered together the things he would need, together with a slim laptop and a bundle of cables. He had changed into dark trousers and a hooded black sweatshirt - the traditional garb of those who wish not to be noticed when out and about at night-time. With the hood pulled up and a scarf wound tightly round the lower part of his face, he would be unrecognisable, should anyone be watching for him.

‘I’ll be as quick as I can,’ he said. He glanced at his watch. ‘It’s nine now - it should take me about forty minutes to get zere. Bring ice if you have any, in case his temperature spikes again. How is Emma?’

‘She seems okay. Bit quiet, but then she’s been through a lot.’ Joe relayed Emma’s tale of being trapped in the box for hours.

‘I’m going to take the sim out of my phone after this call, just in case. I advise you to do the same, before you leave your house.’

‘You really think that’s necessary?’ Joe’s surprise reminded Jean-Claude the man had little idea of what he was up against.

‘A precaution only. Xavier knows how to contact me if there is a problem.’ As he said it, he wondered. Xavier had not been in touch for some time. ‘A bientôt.’


* * *


‘He said to take the sim out of my phone before we set off. Bit James Bond, don’t you think?’

Kim shrugged. ‘Emma seems terrified they could be traced. Perhaps it’s part of that? I don’t know. None of this makes much sense to me. Anyway, we should get going.’

‘He said to bring ice, as well. What can I put it in?’

‘Picnic cooler box,’ suggested Kim. ‘In the utility room. Top shelf.’

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