After about ten minutes, Kim couldn’t stand it any longer.
‘What is he doing?’
The others shook their heads. Nobody knew what Xavier was up to.
‘This is ridiculous. I’m going to find him, make him explain.’ She yanked open the kitchen door and came face to face with Xavier, who was about to come back in.
‘What’s happening? Is he going to help us?’
‘Yes. He has located Joe and he is quite safe. He’s on his way to the main clone facility with two of Osborne and Griffith’s people.’
‘How does he know this?’
Xavier raised his hands in a gesture of calm. ‘I think he has trackers in their vans. At any rate, Joe is unharmed.’
‘So now what?’
Euron has the bird’s eye view of all this. I have to join him there and we will get Joe out.’
‘Just like that?’
‘Yes,’ said Xavier. ‘Just like that.’
Kim exchanged glances with the others.
Jean-Claude was clearly agitated. ‘Zere will be considerable risk to you, eef they want the sentient clones back in the facility. What if they catch you? What then?’
‘Euron has a plan for that. I will be fine. It just remains for me to get to the place. Kim, will you drive me there?’
Kim nodded.
‘I’ll come aussi,’ said Jean-Claude. ‘I know where it is and maybe I can help.'
‘Will the others be safe here?’ The ever-practical Kim was thinking ahead.
‘If they don’t use any communication channels, they are as safe here as anywhere else.’
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