Nobody noticed the drone. It was so high in the sky that its tiny skeleton was almost invisible to the naked eye, even supposing anyone was glancing up. People don’t as a rule. It hovered silently, the video spotlight recording who left the property in the car and by a process of elimination, who was left behind. As the car turned out of the Drivers’ road, the drone followed for a few hundred metres and then heeled away, to land in the back of an anonymous truck stationed at the side of the park. A favourite place for lads and dads to race their remote-controlled cars after work, while the light held, one more anonymous figure with a controller and a small screen blended in perfectly.
* * *
Kim drove quickly but carefully, anxious to get to her husband as soon as she could.
‘What’s our plan when we get there?’ she asked Xavier, who simply shook his head.
‘You are not to be involved Kim. I shall wait for Euron’s instructions and hopefully bring Joe to you without delay.’
‘Et moi, what can I do?’
‘Jean-Claude, you’re not really part of this plan either. But I accept you know the layout of the unit and it may be that you can help me find a particular spot - but until we get there, I don’t know any more than you do.’ He sat back in his seat and refused to comment further.
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