‘Speaking of which,’ said the every-practical Kim, coming back into the room. ‘What shall we do about Emma?’
Emma looked up, startled.
‘How do you mean?’ Joe was perplexed.
‘Well, presumably the Lanes paid good money for her and now, as far as they’re concerned, someone’s stolen her. That horrible neighbour saw us and could no doubt give them our description - we could be in all sorts of trouble.’
‘They weren’t kind people,’ said Emma, pulling her draperies around herself protectively. Now that she had eaten some food, she was looking a little better.
‘They shouted. At me, and at each other. The woman wouldn’t let me out of the box. The man pushed me down into it and shut the flaps.’ Emma whimpered, remembering, and shut her eyes.
‘If they can’t look after their things properly, they deserve to lose them,’ said Joe.
‘That’s not exactly the point is it? We did break into their property and take something that didn’t belong to us.’
‘I don’t see how they could find us. We parked the car far enough away from number 94 - I bet that man didn’t take the number,’ said Joe.
‘And I feel bad we haven’t updated Jean-Claude,’ began Kim. ‘He really seems to care about you-’
‘He does, but it’s too risky. ’ Xavier interrupted. ‘He could lead trouble to us. Once Emma is fully recovered, it would be best if we three travelled to join up with the others. Then we can decide together what to do next.’
Kim was astonished to see Delphine give an almost imperceptible shake of her head at this and reach to nudge Emma’s foot to attract her attention. When she realised Kim was looking in her direction, she moved her foot carelessly in a clockwise movement on the carpet as though mesmerised by the pattern.
Not fooling me, my girl, thought Kim, pretending not to have noticed.
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